Coronavirus in the USA: Live Updates


“We were denied, yet some of the state ventilators went out of the state,” said Karen Spiegel, a member of the board of supervisors.

She said counties often fall last in

“We were denied, yet some of the state ventilators went out of the state,” said Karen Spiegel, a member of the board of supervisors.

She said counties often fall last in

a hierarchy that prioritizes federal and state governments. “We are the last one down,” she said, “yet we are the first ones working.”

In Santa Clara County, where the need for hospital beds is expected to grow, the health officer issued an order asking everyone in the county to disclose inventories of supplies, including ventilators.

Even as the state gave away some supplies, Mr. Newsom announced one of the highest death tolls in California since the crisis started: 68 people died over the past 24 hours, he said on Wednesday, bringing the state’s total to more than 500.

Officials cautioned that the number of cases had not yet peaked in California, the largest state in the nation, with 40 million residents.


California hospitals collectively have as many as 11,000 ventilators on hand, and the state had separately secured about 8,000 other ventilators, some of which were being refurbished, Mr. Newsom said. “We feel we are adequately resourced for the moment,” he said.

And Mr. Newsom described a broad effort to buy gowns, masks and other equipment. That included a deal to buy 200 million masks a month from factories in Asia, and a plan to spend $1.4 billion on personal protective gear for medical personnel, supermarket workers, employees of the state’s department of motor vehicles and any other “front-line employees walking the streets.”